Saturday, January 23, 2016

Wait! Where's that pork chop from, Factory or Farm? Are These even Animals?

Hello! I'm back to have more fun sharing neat things about our food. I have been talking with some of the people that come out to the farm for a tour to see what a small organic,almost sustainable family farm is really all about! My love for animals is clearly seen by everyone that comes to visit us. I just cant help it, the more animals the better! In all honesty though it can easily be said that I just have an addiction to REAL foods such as, raw milk or fresh eggs filled with nutrition, or a pig raised the old ways, with love, sunshine and fresh air. Then having tasted fresh farm food, I don't think I could ever go back.
On this food journey I've learned many essential things about why organic farm raised foods are the way to go these days. More often than not people don't actually realize what they are really putting in their bodies. This is a much bigger puzzle than we realize. Lets all take a closer look at the pieces.  Many of the things about our food and food processing in today's society did not sit well with me. Just because someone is raising livestock for food doesn't mean the animals shouldn't enjoy their life before making the ultimate sacrifice for us to live another day. The first piece to the puzzle animal well being. I used to go to the grocery to buy meat with out thinking about where it came from until I realized that the meat at the store came from a place like this.
Confinement Nursery 15 x 12 approx.
Modern Pork Factory
                  "It all looks so clean and organized though" some people might say.  The thing is, I guarantee if ever they get the opportunity too smell a "modern pork factory" they'd probably become a vegetarian, or immediately try to tear their nose off.  The aroma just stays lingering with you for days. I stopped eating pork for 10 years, until I was blessed with opportunity to raise my own pigs and more. 
How about the awesome way we can get eggs these days no more nests and freedom. Those are out dated in our modern times. Here's where most eggs at the store come from. "Well that's not so bad at least the have windows right?  Besides what are these chickens complaining about "no room to walk."
Modern Egg Factory
"Off too the soup factory, at least we get some fresh air first"
 They need to keep it too themselves, or they'll wind up like these girls. If your in to videos instead check this one out
"Yeah and how about Thanksgiving dinner?" Did you wounder where that nice turkey came from? Most likely a place like this. Look at the bright side, "ha" all the clean water and genetically engineered grains you can eat, you know kinda like a one item buffet. Yes don't for get the health care plan is wonderfully as well. This includes all the modern animals, can't let any one get sicker. Wait what? Antibiotics for free no charge to the animals! Why do you think chicken soup works so well to fight a cold? "Now that's food for thought!"
Yeah haven't you heard, sunlight and fresh air is way over rated; "that's the same memo the turkeys got."
Happy Thanksgiving!
Any how, those were some of the first lessons I had to think about on my real food journey. Even though I had the picture of the puzzle; the pieces are a lot to absorb and that's only a few of them.
 We should all see or at least learn a little about where our LIFE sustaining food comes from. A Modern Factory "Farm" or! a Local Organic Family Farm. That part is up to you. 
 No really! Venture down to a Factory farm see if you get to see your food? Tell them you just want to know what your putting in to your body by supporting Factory farming. That is if they even let you past the guard and if you do or don't get in. Here's a leader in Canadian Factory Farming how to video I found on youtube I hope our Factory farms don't use these techniques, but probably similar ones. Canada your suppose to be our polite northern neighbor Why?
Then, go to a small family farm if you can, and ask how they produce food? Or even take a farm tour. I think you'll be surprised at the difference in the way you and the animals are treated.
You can always find happy loved animals and real food  at

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