Going to go about this a bit different than usual.

Our whole modern food system has the view of more is better. Sounds good right, well sure think about it. We're a logical people, even science based so more is better. Nope not really in food. It seems to come at a cost of nutrient value, animal well being, over use of chemical inputs. This is the thing you don't have to be a scientist to know there's a trade off. With commerical milk its a constant job to keep up on demand, and the pays not going to buy the farmer a new tractor. So they house animals indoors as many as possible to lower labor costs. Dairy farming is one of the most demanding jobs around, from cleaning the equipment to feeding,watering,cleaning up after 40- 100
Silage pile |
cows WOW. Long of the short if you don't see the sun, less vitamins not so happy. If your cows are fed silage and corn because that's what produces the most milk. Even though cows don't do well on corn it rots them, too acidic. It also makes the bad wheebeegebees(microbes) multiply with ease. Neat
Does that sound Alive? Yeah with nothing good. Again that's on how you perceive it. Ill tell you one more thing if the milk was alive it is no more not after pasteurization and homogenization that's designed to kill all the microbes good and the bad, a form of sterilization. Defiantly not, but don't worry they enrich it with synthetic stuff.
Okay so ask yourself what is answer, and what is the difference between commercial milk ? then Raw Milk from cows fed grass and hay. check out this video
Raw milk is alive with vitality and you can be too.
Find a local farmer and get some living raw milk to see what you think or go to
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